VALERIAN, organic seed
Valeriana Officinalis
Perennial. Delicate-looking, charming clusters of tiny pale pink flowers. Attractive in borders or herb gardens. Commonly used for sleep disorders. Demeter biodynamic seeds.Valerian is used for sleep disorders, the inability to sleep (insomnia). Valerian is also used orally for anxiety and psychological stress.
Height: 80–150 cm (32–60 in.)
Extracted fragrance of the flowers was used in perfumes in the Renaissance. The root part is most used as a pain reliever, sedative, and to relieve migraine and insomnia.
Germinates 7-21 days.
Sow seeds 3/8" deep into soil mix, moisten, and keep temperatures at 65-68°F (18-20°C) until germination. When germinated, grow at normal greenhouse temperatures until large enough to transplant. Transplant outside in the early spring when the ground can be worked.
Sow drectly outdoors on spring or fall, sowing about 1 seed per inch at a depth of 3/8- 1/2". Thin to 12-18" apart, in rows 3' apart.Valerian grows in a wide range of soils, but prefers a moist, but well-drained loam.
Sun: Full sun/Part shade.
Demeter is the quality mark for produce that has been grown biodynamically and the products that use both Demeter produce and approved processes. Named after the Greek goddess of agriculture, this quality mark ensures that food meets the highest quality standards, carefully grown, gently processed and packed. Demeter products are always certified to both organic and Demeter standards.
Demeter was founded in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner and is therefore the oldest organic farming association in Germany. The products of biodynamic agriculture are highly regarded by consumers and are produced under strict guidelines.
The Demeter trademark is the only global brand to recognise certified products and produce that is biodynamic. Our strict standards go above and beyond organic, providing you with premium quality products. Demeter products are always certified to both organic and Demeter standards.
The EU organic label sets a minimum standard for organically produced food. Demeter’s philosophy and farming methods, however, go far beyond this standard. This benefits the quality of the food as much as the environment. For example, a focus on soil quality and regeneration with required preservation of biodiversity. The consistent development of the standards and regular inspections results in the highest quality produce and products.
Biodynamic Benefits
- 100% conversion of the farm to biodynamic land
- Animals integrated into the arable farming system, supporting soil regeneration
- All farm animals are fed a 100 percent organic diet of which at least 80 percent of the feed ration for ruminants, and at least 50 percent of all other animals, must be biodynamically produced.
- A minimum of 50 per cent of the fodder comes from the farm itself or a nearby partner, supporting the ideal of a closed system.
- No painful dehorning of cows, debeaking of poultry or docking of tails. Animals are treated with respect as sentient beings.
- Use of biodynamic preparations, from herbs, minerals and cow manure, to stimulate soil regeneration and essential organism growth.
- Demeter farmers use biodynamic seed, guaranteeing no genetic modification of any kind
- Only a limited number of absolutely necessary additives are permitted in processing. Iodisation, the use of nitrates and ‘natural’ flavours are prohibited. Only flavour extracts are permitted. The EU organic standard still allows additives that Demeter biodynamic standards prohibit. (demeter.net)
Packet 20 seeds