LEMON BALM , organic seed
Melissa Officinalis
This is the most fragrant variety available with an essential oil content up to .4%. Fresh or dried leaves are made into a wonderful calming lemon-scented tea (sweeten with honey). Fresh leaves can be used to give a lemony tang to salads and drinks. Little pale yellow flowers in the summer attract bees and butterflies in abundance. Compact, mildew resistant 10-12 inch plants are extremely easy to grow and propagate. Perennial.- Sow undercover from 6 weeks prior to the last frost or after the last frost outside.
- Seeds should be lightly pressed into the growing medium and lightly covered with compost or vermiculite.
- Germination in 10-15 days depending on temperature provided.
- When 1in tall transplant to pots and grow on.
- Acclimatize to outdoor conditions after all danger of frost has passed.
- Best planted in small blocks / groups for best effect.
- Prefers slightly shaded location with ample moisture.
Packet 500 seeds